Sunday, March 15, 2020

Elisabeth Vigee Lebrun essays

Elisabeth Vigee Lebrun essays Elisabeth Le Brun is known as a prominent woman artist in Eighteenth Century art. She is known for her work as a portrait painter. Her most famous works are included in the series that she had painted at age twenty-four of Queen Marie-Antoinette. Elisabeth was a woman of so many talents. Before she died at eighty-seven years old, she was an accomplished artist, exceptional musician, and a loving mother. She was an unusually unattractive woman. Although, she was charming and self-confident with an ability to present her sitters personas with an advantage. She was very reputable because she managed to keep her head and professional reputation in a time of the French Revolution. Whereupon she gained fame in France, Italy, Austria, and Russia. By the age fifteen she could have supported herself and her family. Nine years later she began work on her most famous portrait series of Marie-Antoinette, which included Marie-Antoinette and her children at Verssailles-1788. This portrait was the last of thirty that Elisabeth painted of the doomed Queen. This painting still hangs at Versailles. Elisabeth was a painter of the Rococo period which placed emphasis on portraying the carefree life of the nobility rather than on heroes or martyrs. Love and romance were considered to be better subjects for art than historical or religious subjects. The styles characteristics were free, graceful movements; a playful use of line; and delicate colors. Marie-Antoinette is painted with a fair complexion and is portrayed as an extremely feminine woman. Elisabeth shows Marie as a good motherly figure. The Queen and Elisabeth developed a close relationship which later became too dangerous. After Marie-Antoinette and Louis XIV were arrested, Elisabeth began twelve years of exile. Although, her talent gained her admissions to several academies. Here is a quote characterizing her ar ...